Lots of people who consider themselves overweight have 'done it all' and still have no results. Sometimes, the results are visible for some time, but sooner or later, they fade away, and the person returns to square one, gaining back what they lost or more. If this is you and you feel like nothing works for you, that everything failed you, it continuously will until you look at your problem differently.​​​
From my experience, different trainings and learnings, there is never one 'thing' that causes people to hold on to their weight. It is a combination of a few conflicts. Let's look at the overweight from the perspective I work with clients. Your body doesn't look the way it does for no reason.
"You don't have the body you want. You have the body you need."
There is a reason why your mind is holding on and not letting you let go of these spare kilograms you don't love. My first advice to my clients is to change their perspective from hate the way they look to appreciation, which can be challenging. Understanding that you are blocking the outcome you want as long as you are in a fight mode is crucial. Strangely enough, when an overweight person looks in the mirror, the subconscious sees something different than the conscious, and this is where we begin.
So why do you need adipose tissue?
Biologically, nothing happens by chance, excess fat tissue may be needed for something. Often, people hear that extra layers are for protection, and there is a lot of truth to this. You may not feel safe, even though you may be a very successful professional; whatever you feel inside, no one knows. The more feelings you store, the more significant body you need.
Mass is associated with strength; that's a fact. You may feel like you have to be bigger to have the strength to achieve success. Or you may feel too weak, so gaining weight somehow strengthens you. Being overweight can also be seen as a desire to increase your own space at home: "I finally have power; I am the superior person." When you feel like you have no say in the matter, your body may react by gaining weight.
It could also be something very contrasting; you may become attractive or desired by others. Is this something you want, or it scares you? You may need to learn to be confident and set boundaries once you don't have fat protection.
All those conflicts above can be deeply hidden in the subconscious without your awareness. It's worth asking yourself: Who will I be when I lose weight? Sometimes, your subconscious holds the extra kilos to help and support you.
You have most likely heard of emotional eating
​I often hear people saying: I eat because I am bored. There's more to it than just being bored. Usually, behind this word, there is somethign additional; the word "bored" covers something we don't want to know, see, and especially feel.
What happened when you were a child does matter. There can be many different stories for every person who holds on to the weight, but they all made a negative impact that needs to be found and addressed.
It is not always and not only those harmful moments that you experienced; it is also what you lacked. What haven't you received as a child? Which of your needs haven't been met? Who wasn't there for you?
It is essential to look back and consider all that you have gone through. And then ask yourself the questions:
Why do I need this body? What is it helping me with?
It may seem unusual to look into overweight this way, but I invite you to do that and wait for answers. There is more behind those extra kilos than just fat.
I am here to take you to a deeper level of finding out and resolving all conflicts you are carrying.
Now, imagine that everything you have been carrying is gone. But not fat. You haven't been carrying the kilos only. What you have been carrying was indeed the pain. Imagine the pain is gone. Imagine you gave yourself what you haven't received from others. Can you imagine that you now know and feel that the only person you need is yourself, that you are whole? When the work is done...
Now, look in the mirror and notice how your body is changing.
Now you have the body you need.​